Sunday, June 12, 2011

A New Venture

Well..hello, hello!! We are super excited to start our new venture with you! First, let's start off with a little background.

Carmen, Christina and I (Tmika)  have been tossing the idea of a show for a long time. We finally decided to put it into motion.  When we are at family gatherings - we have the best time!! We thought that it would be a great idea to take this show on the road. So, here we are!

Some topics on the table include fashion, love, money, relationships, weight loss, anxiety and depression and a host of others. There will be giveaways, contests and special guests. We are Super Excited!

We like to tease each other and play around - but we do get down to business. We have had some very serious discussions and some very fun ones as well. We hope that you enjoy laughing and in some instances crying with us!

As we take our venture to higher heights - we'd love to hear some of your suggestions for new topics!

Please feel free to send us a personal email at

We won't mention your name (if you don't want it mentioned) - but will address your comment or concern 'honestly'.

We'd like to thank you in advance for your support and look forward to 'speaking' with you!!



  1. I'm trying to find your facebook, no luck! Can't wait to see all the shows!

  2. This is awesome Tmika! Congratulations and many blessing to you and your sistas!! : )
